Notas del episodio

The actor Bradley Cooper is producing a documentary called "Caregiving." He shares the lifelong admiration that he had for his father. When his father was dying from cancer, Bradley was a caregiver, even bathing his own father. Many adult children can identify with this stage of life. Some adult children will be unable to provide care for aging parents because of geographical distance, family or job responsibilities, or the extensive needs of the parent.

While there are levels of care and support available in a facility setting, policy makers in the government are placing great stress on an already fragile system. Grossly irresponsible policies will likely mean that more adult children will have to find a way to provide care in the home as Bradley Cooper did.

Palabras clave
elder lawestate planninglong term caremedicaidassisted livingmedicareaginglater in life planningcaregivinghealth caregovernmentnursing home