Softening Our Hearts, Renewing Ourselves

Kol Jeshurun por Temple B'nai Jeshurun

Notas del episodio

Listen as Rabbi Karen Glazer Perolman reflects on the events of the 2021 Presidential Inauguration and this week's Torah Portion, Parshat Bo. How does the biblical story of the Egyptian Pharaoh's heart being hardened help us reflect on the ways in which the last 5 years have hardened our hearts? How might we become more open hearted in the weeks and months to come?

L’dor Vador - Music & Lyrics by Josh Nelson

Vocals: Lucy B. Fishbein

Guitar: Matthew J. Turk

Piano: Pedro D’Aquino

Percussion: Eran Fink Violin: Benjamin Sutin

Produced by Lucy B. Fishbein

Theme Music Composed by Matthew J. Turk