Episode 9: Interrogation

Johnnie's Song: A 1920s Style Radio Hour Drama por EraLore Studios

Notas del episodio

In Episode 9, Clara confronts Fred about his suspicious behavior. When Johnnie overhears, he tries to comfort his mother. But his own fears are confirmed when Mr. Dewey makes him an offer-- he may not be able to refuse.

Episode 9 Cast:

  • Jacob Albert Gross as Johnnie
  • Brianna Galligan as Clara
  • DC Cathro as Fred
  • John Glymph as Dewey

"Johnnie's Song" was written by DC Cathro and produced by ERALôR LLC, a web3 company dedicated to creating connection through nostalgic art, performance-based storytelling, and IRL events, experiences, and travel.

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