Notas del episodio

In the 114th edition of the Inside Minecraft Podcast, Orbitzz sits down with Snifferish, an amazing artist who also specialises in Minecraft building and works for the Minecraft marketplace alongside being full time content creation! To kick start the podcast the two start by talking about every aspect of content creation, the highs, the lows and the sometimes harsh reality. Following this they go on to talk about the Minecraft marketplace, streaming and why necessary breaks are needed, their talented buildings and the amazing Technoblade painting! After this they go on to speak abiut dealing with anxiety and the sniffer mob. All before going on to answer some twitter questions! This is the Snifferish Podcast. Interested? Lets get started...

Palabras clave
artistsmpsmp minecraft100 days in minecraft100 days minecraft youtuberrats smptechnobladetechnoblade never dies100 days youtuberSnifferishbuildminecraft builderminecraft buildingarttechnoblade artmarketplaceminecraft marketplace