Infinite Love CreationExplícito

por Tyler Garland Gagnon

The name says it all, for all of us. We all have the power within us to Create Love Infinitely Love for ourselves, Love for life, Love for each other, Love for all always all ways! The messages on this podcast channel align every listener to just that - Infinite Love Creation. Tune in and let LOVE flow without limitations!

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Manifestation Through Affirmation & Specificity

    Manifestation Through Affirmation & Specificity

    A message on manifestation through affirmation combined with specificity Being specific about that which you are trying to manifest is key. Do not forget the powerful creator you are. There is no separation between creations and the creator! Truth is... YOU ARE DIVINITY! AFFIRM THAT WHICH YOU ARE! BE VERY SPECIFIC. With these combined you have the potential and power to achieve all of your dreams. STAY BEAUTIFUL! Continue to create love. Keep feeding your SOUL true nourishment and watch + embody as you FLOURISH. Many gold nuggets to be collected throughout the messages in this episode. Dig Deep and Prosper in the Abundance!

  • Laws Of The Universe

    Laws Of The Universe

    THE LAWS OF THE UNIVERSE "When we align with these laws… When we align with the universe… When we align with love… Love aligns with us! The Universe aligns with us! We begin to Flow together." The Law of One - Separation is the greatest illusion… The Law of vibration & Energy - The entire universe was created from one source... The Law of Correspondence - As above so below. As within so without... Law of Cause & Effect - All actions have a reaction. We reap what we sow... Law of Resistance- What you resist, persists... Law of Transmutation - Transmutation in the hands of a conscious creator has the power to change any reality.... Law of Manifestation - Thoughts and actions are manifestations . All you can conceive and believe you can achieve... Law of Belief - Be aware of your internal beliefs, our actions and our beliefs affect the world around us conscious or not... Law of Actions - Take action towards that which supports your goals and desires. Action equals energy in motion... Law of Unconditional Love- Unconditional love creates a harmonious life. Love and accept all that is present within your life without judgement or expectation... Law of Prosperity- The more you give the more you get, give more than you take... Law of Initiation - Challenge is essential for learning and growth... Law of Clarity - There is a present misconception that when we give we are depleting, the truth is all energy you give comes back stronger... Law of Reflection - Your reality is a reflection of your inner world... Law of Fellowship - Find and spend time with like minded individuals, when you create with people of similar vibration your collective energy is amplified... Law of Gender - All of creation possesses both masculine and feminine energy, the yin and the yang... Law of Evolution - All experiences from our greatest successes to our graves mistakes bring with them the opportunity to learn grow and evolve... Law of Rhythm - We have a tendency to hold a desire for constant progress. Accept both the ebb and the flow, move with the currents... Law of Harmony - Harmony is a state of balance, create positive energy form a place of balance to achieve harmony... Law of Polarity - Opposites are just 2 extremes of the same spectrum, balance is key... Law of Divine Order - Everything happens for and with a reason... Focus on these keywords as subcategories to aid in the creation of your highest potential! Allowance Balance Care Clarity Compassion Courage Dedication Faith Forgiveness Generosity Grace Honesty Honour Hope Joy Kindness Leadership No Interference Patience Praise Prayer Responsibility Reminders Thankfulness Gratitude Self Love Unconditional Love WE ARE ALL CAPABLE OF BECOMING OUR GREATEST VERSIONS

  • MAGNETISM - Embody Your Potential

    MAGNETISM - Embody Your Potential

    Take a deep breath, and allow the infinite potential of abundant changes FLOW from within. Hit play and feel the words you hear, whilst listening to the ways you feel.

  • The Power of Choice!

    The Power of Choice!

    Becoming our greatest version through THE POWER OF CHOICE, every NOW moment. Sacred questions & reminders tapping us into the BOUNDLESS POTENTIAL we possess!

  • Temporada 1

  • See The World Through The lense Of Love!


    See The World Through The lense Of Love!


    Perception - Seeing Life through the lense of Love and Compassion! Important and powerful messages to ensure you can see the light no matter how dark the room gets.