Secure Self Worth: The Art of Emotional Freedom

The Good Enough Teacher Podcast | Life Coach Amber Lynn por Life Coach Amber Grauer| M.A. ED.

Notas del episodio

Hello Teachers!

I am back! Happy New Year 2023! What have you been up to? I have been doing a lot since I last posted and I wanted to share a little bit with you.

This school year I decided to do a shared contract and move from Special Education to General Education, so that I could spend more time on my passion building my Life Coaching Practice for Teachers.

So over the past several months I have been working on creating The Art of Emotional Freedom for Teachers. It took me a long time to finally choose a name to describe what it is I do for Teachers, but at the end of the day I help Teachers become emotionally free, I help them no longer be held captive of their emotions, I teach them everything they wish they learned in the credential program: how to manage and maintain healthy mental health, how to manage stress and overw ... 

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Palabras clave
feeling good enoughteacherteachingmental emotional health