Notas del episodio
CHAPTER 22 tells the story of Paul's incarceration by the Roman government. Paul gives a defense as to why he traveled with a Gentile from Ephesus, reminding the Jews of his strict education by the Pharisee rabbi Gamaliel and how violently he had, at first, persecuted Christians. He then recounts his conversion, as narrated in Acts 9:1–19. The Jewish mob that had tried to kill Paul earlier listened intently to his whole sermon until he mentioned Gentiles, which caused them to erupt into rage. The Roman tribune realizes neither Paul's speech nor the crowd's renewed anger explain anything, so he falls back on the traditional Roman way to uncover information: beating people until they talk. The soldiers tie Paul up but before the centurion raises the flagellum, Paul points out that, as a Roman citizen, he cannot be flogged until...