• Activating your Creativity with V...

Activating your Creativity with Voice & Pussy Codes

HOLY EROS por Phoenix Amara & Sonja Semyonova

Notas del episodio
Have you ever wondered if the way you approach creativity and artistic expression impacts having a yummy juicy sex life and being a masterful lover? If you appreciate candid and lively raw convos on sex, love and the Eros of creativity with two consummate creatives and friends…daling, you gonna love today’s episode. You’ll want to drink from the well of wisdom that Raven shares in our interview where she reveals:
  • Facing comparison to access the secret of success thru compersion
  • The gift of being ‘Project Polyamorous’ and how strengthening your creative capacity across different mediums vs. niching allows you to explore facets of your expression you didn’t realize
  • Why tapping your outlet of creativity will make you a BE ... 
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