Hear me out, Sis.

por Maria Michelle

Welcome to the hear me out sis podcast. This is a SAFE space for ladies and gents. I'll speak to you about literally anything and everything. We'll navigate this life thing together. I'll laugh, cry, vent, narrate hilarious stories and be the friend/sister you never knew you needed.

Love and Light

Maria x

You can follow me on my socials

IG : @maria_mwanza // maria_michellex

Twitter : @maria_mich ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • Just Start

    Just Start

    Hey everyone I hope you’re doing well? Today’s episode is self explanatory. JUST START, JUST DO That business that’s been on your mind? Just start The content you’ve been hiding from the world? Just post That sport you’ve been wanting to play ? Just start This podcast is a project I JUST STARTED and I’m so glad I did. I hope you enjoy this episode Love and light Maria xx Please don’t forget to rate this podcast

  • Spring Clean your life ** Love is in the air…Toni Tone is engaged ❤️

    Spring Clean your life ** Love is in the air…Toni Tone is engaged ❤️

    Hey everyone… I’m back like I never left 😄 In this episode I’m talking about spring cleaning your life. You know how we often spring clean our houses? Yeah but today we’re spring cleaning our lives. There’s a lot of dirt in our lives that we don’t clean. I’ll give you some examples of the dirt that could be in your life that you are unaware of. I truly hope and pray this episode helps you start spring cleaning your life a little bit more. Ps: I added a little sprinkle to this episode by briefly talking about love. Everyone’s falling in love and I’m here for it… Absolutely love to see it. Love and light Maria. Xx Please don’t forget to rate this podcast

  • The Waiting Season 🙏🏾

    The Waiting Season 🙏🏾

    “They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength” We’ve all gone through a time where we had to wait, be it on a friend, the doctor, a lover etc. My point is we’ve all waited and tbh that feeling sucks. In this episode I’m talking about the waiting season. Not ordinary waiting but Waiting on God. I’m not gonna type so much, more than anything I just want you to listen. Enjoy Love and Light Maria Xx

  • Be careful who you vent to and Pray more || “Come to me all who weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest” ❤️

    Be careful who you vent to and Pray more || “Come to me all who weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest” ❤️

    We all go through life sometimes and we just need a place to offload which leads us to venting to people. Who are you venting to? Are these people you’re supposed to be venting to? In this episode I’m briefly reminding y’all how important it is to pray more and vent less. If anything God is calling you to him so that he can give you rest. I hope you enjoy this episode Love and light Maria.

  • Age doesn’t define maturity || Quality over quantity when it comes to friendships

    Age doesn’t define maturity || Quality over quantity when it comes to friendships

    You know how people say older people are more mature? I think people forget that age doesn’t define maturity. I think life‘s experiences do define your level of maturity to some extent In this episode I will discuss how age will never be proportional to maturity. I hope you enjoy this episode. Love and light Maria.