Highrock Church

por Highrock Church

Weekly sermons and weekday devotions from Highrock, a multi-site church in the Greater Boston area and Online. We create Christian communities that encourage you to ask questions, inspire you to follow Jesus, and challenge you to put love into action.

Episodios del podcast

  • Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 4 (Mark 2:23-28)

    Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 4 (Mark 2:23-28)

    The people before the time of the Pharisees and Jesus had ignored the Sabbath in very harmful ways but the Pharisees made the opposite error of being too obsessive about the rules. In their zeal, they missed the point of the rules, which is to honor human beings and God. And what could be more true to the spirit of Sabbath than to satisfy your hunger both for food and for God as the disciples were doing with Jesus? Looking for a previous devo? Want to share one with a friend? Start here: https://www.highrock.org/daily-devotionals/

  • Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 3 (Psalm 46:1-3,10)

    Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 3 (Psalm 46:1-3,10)

    Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you caught up in a never-ending fight? God speaks into our fear and frustration, saying, "Be still, and know that I am God!" One simply way to pray this truth is the ancient tradition of the "breath prayer", which we will practice in response to God's instruction. Looking for a previous devo? Want to share one with a friend? Start here: https://www.highrock.org/daily-devotionals/

  • Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 2 (1 Kings 19:11-12)

    Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 2 (1 Kings 19:11-12)

    When God meets with Elijah, God is not present in all the big signs like the tornado-like wind or the earthquake. Instead, God speaks to Elijah in the silence. It is difficult to find silence today and the world is getting noisier all the time. If we were to withdraw to a quiet place like Elijah or Jesus, might we find God speaking to us as well? Looking for a previous devo? Want to share one with a friend? Start here: https://www.highrock.org/daily-devotionals/

  • Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 1 (Genesis 2:9,15-17)

    Daily Devo | Finding Rest for Your Souls 1 (Genesis 2:9,15-17)

    Of all the Ten Commandments, honoring a day of rest seems the most unlikely to make God's "Top 10". Maybe that's why God devotes more time to that command than any other? When we struggle with the limits given to us by God, it can be helpful to stop, listen, and remember to trust that God is working for our good! Looking for a previous devo? Want to share one with a friend? Start here: https://www.highrock.org/daily-devotionals/

  • Sermon | Rest for Your Soul

    Sermon | Rest for Your Soul

    Sermon #6 of Highrock's spring sermon series ("Deep: Moving Beyond Shallow Spirituality") from Mark 6:30-32 NIV