Hearts & Hooves Turquoise & Trauma

por Tisa and Katie

Join 2 cowgirls Tisa and Katie on their journey living their dreams out through the hearts and hooves of horses. They both felt the healing power of horses, and realized it wasn't coincidental, it was real! They want to share their journey and the journey of others on this brand new podcast "Hearts & Horses, Turquoise & Trauma"

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • The WHY behind TR 4 Heart and Soul

    The WHY behind TR 4 Heart and Soul

    Why are horses "therapeutic"? Take a listen to hear the why behind the heart and soul at TR 4 Heart and Soul.

  • Jim Baker & The Healing Horse Ranch

    Jim Baker & The Healing Horse Ranch

    "Build it and they will come"- Jim Baker Take a listen to hear the journey, the why, the how, and the updates from the Healing Horse Ranch. As Jim states, the name Healing Horse Ranch was divinely inspired -- The Ranch offers year-round community, therapeutic, and educational programming for Ft. Berthold and surrounding communities.

  • The Journey to Myself- Purpose- Hope- & Healing

    The Journey to Myself- Purpose- Hope- & Healing

    Robyn Mrnak is a cowgirl, author, therapeutic riding instructor, and life coach. She's had her own challenges, most recently with cancer, however this doesn't stop her from trusting herself, inspiring others, and adding zest to her life through TIZ Coaching. Find your motivation with Robyn's story!

  • Horses changed Anna's life, now she's changing the lives of many more

    Horses changed Anna's life, now she's changing the lives of many more

    Anna 100% lives her mantra of horses & healing! She saw the impact of horses on her own kiddos, and KNEW this had to be an option for local youth. She opened her own practice, Northern Reins, and now offers Equine Assisted Psychotherapy! In Anna's words "IT JUST WORKS". Science tells us it's the horses rhythmic, repetitive, movement patterns, however, Anna knows it's the relationship that can only be found with the horse is KEY!

  • We don't have to teach horses how to be trauma informed

    We don't have to teach horses how to be trauma informed

    "Trauma-informed" is a buzz phrase in education & healthcare, what does this mean, and how are horses so good at it organically?!?! Dr. DeCoteau, MHA Nation enrolled member, and DeCoteau Trauma-Informed Care & Practice, PLLC touched the tip of the iceberg on the elements of trauma informed practices and the close relationships we build with horses. If you are looking for some answers to your own trauma or why Equine Assisted Services are so beneficial take a listen! DeCoteau Trauma-Informed Care & Practice, PLLC | Bismarck, ND (decoteaupsychology.com)