Hacksaw PodcastExplícito

por Everett and Jordan

Join hosts Everett and Jordan as they tear down the undeservingly highly praised cultural figures and influencers of our modern era in the realms of art and entertainment.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Christopher Nolan


    Christopher Nolan


    Everett and Jordan discuss Christopher Nolan's 2017 film "Dunkirk" and explain why it's so disappointing along with the majority of his other work.

  • Prometheus (2012)


    Prometheus (2012)


    We're back to talk about Ridley Scott's Prometheus, a film we have been frustrated with for almost a decade and one of the initial inspirations for starting this podcast. Many have softened their criticisms of this film in recent years and are calling it a hidden gem, but they are wrong (oh, so wrong). Its visual splendor isn't enough to save it from its forgettable characters and nonsensical plot, which basically ruins the Alien universe. Please enjoy our scathing discussion of Prometheus and join us next time when we go over its sequel, Alien: Covenant. Send us feedback and suggestions at hacksawpodcast@gmail.com (we may read your emails on the show) Check us out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Youtube to listen to all past and future episodes.

  • Bill Gates


    Bill Gates


    The Hacksaw Podcast is back for an in-depth episode about Bill Gates, who's largely viewed as one of the "good" billionaires. How did he go from being viewed mostly as a tyrannical monopolistic businessman in his 80/90s heyday to a warm and fuzzy philanthropist in recent years? We delve into his reputation cleansing over the last couple decades and discuss the capitalistic nature of the reasons behind his philanthropic causes and how he maintains his largely positive media perception, from news sources to Netflix. Send us feedback and suggestions at hacksawpodcast@gmail.com (we may read your emails on the show) Check us out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Youtube to listen to all past and future episodes.

  • *Special Episode* Zack Snyder's Justice League


    *Special Episode* Zack Snyder's Justice League


    Welcome to another special episode of the Hacksaw Podcast where we give our critique of the recent pop culture event, Zack Snyder's Justice League. We break down this very long and very bad film while also discussing Snyder's earlier films and whether or not they still hold up today. Send us feedback and suggestions at hacksawpodcast@gmail.com (we may read your emails on the show) Check us out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Youtube to listen to all past and future episodes.

  • Guillermo del Toro


    Guillermo del Toro


    We're back with perhaps our most divisive episode yet! We give the Hacksaw treatment to the work of beloved fantasy horror director Guillermo del Toro. This one's a little awkward because unlike everyone else we've covered so far, we're actually a fan of him. However, we believe he hasn't made a good movie since Pan's Labyrinth and he's been coasting off of that film's brilliance for nearly 15 years, putting out very mediocre work since then. We discuss everything overrated about his films of recent years, focusing in particular on his very successful Oscar-winning film The Shape Of Water (2017). Send us feedback and suggestions at hacksawpodcast@gmail.com (we may read your emails on the show) Check us out on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Google Podcasts, and Youtube