Notas del episodio

Real stories, told by real people.

It's great to be back to share another story with you all. I certainly do hope this finds you in good spirits. Today Jonathan joins us, and he's got a story to tell.

Originally from Ecuador. Life as a kid was pretty normal for Jonathan. He played soccer, hung out with friends, and enjoyed time around his family. At 12, physically he started to notice a few things go wrong. And from there, life as he knew it. Would never be the same. Countless hospital visits, and large amounts of money spent in order to find a treatment for his condition, would yield no results. Eventually, with nothing really, but the clothes on their back, Jonathan and his mother would move to Canada. Seeking any kind of medical assistance that might save his life.

Almost dying on the way there. He would afte ... 

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Palabras clave
cancer survivornear deathleukemiabone marrow transplantgraft versus host diseasecancermothers loveonly childchemotherapycancer story