
Totally Fucked Up (1993)

GHOST KINO por Connor Beckett McInerney, Astro Rys, Éire Ó Gallachóir

Notas del episodio

“All the things the homos like, I hate” can be etched on each our tombstones. The Ghost Kino Institute for Gays Who Can’t Do Film Analysis Good (And Want to Learn How to Do Other Stuff Good Too) go in on Greg Araki’s seminal 93 flick Totally Fucked Up, a representation of queer youth in 90s LA that — shockingly — has a class angle to it? (Who would’ve thought the queers also have to pay their rent what a concept). Along the way we’ll talk about how non-gay-best-friend qualities are cast aside by str*ghts, the Modernist outlook in the wake of the AIDS crisis that informed this film, and the importance of chosen family (Astro and Eire if you read this episode description I include to two of y’all in that designation btw love you both).

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