Episode 061: International case studies and the need for a national regulatory task force

Flux Capacitor por Francis Bradley

Notas del episodio

Recorded live at Electricity Canada’s 2022 Regulatory Forum at the beginning of May 2022, episode 61 features a conversation with Dr. Monica Gattinger and Michael Cleland, principal authors of the report “Net Zero: An International Review of Energy Delivery System Policy and Regulation for Canadian Energy Decision Makers,” commissioned by Electricity Canada and the Canadian Gas Association, with support from Natural Resources Canada. We discuss some learnings from experience in UK, Western Australia, and New York State, who pays what, when and how for net zero, and their recommendation for the creation of a national regulatory task force. We close the conversation with some audience questions, and a book recommendation from Mike; Monica gave me her book recommendation on episode 53, and I’m just at the final chapters of that book.

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