Ep. 19 Reclaim and own your sexual energy as a portal to your innate power - with Muriel Haas

Feminine Power Podcast por Mariya Grinina

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Embodying a powerful, alive sexual energy isn't about having a lot of sex and partners.

Your sexual energy flowing is life moving through you. The more you embody your eros, your life force energy, the more you invite aliveness, creation and empowerment into your life.

Creating space for eros to move and flow through you requires an intimate relationship to your body, a resilient nervous system and the courage to own your pleasure.

Are you ready to feel wildly alive, turned on and in your power? Listen to this episode and learn more from Muriel Haas (

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embodimenttantrawombfeminine energylife forcemindfulnessfeminine practicefemale empowermentsensualitytantriclove coachfeminine leadershipkundalini