Fear Not

por Bruce Petereit & Ken Krueger

Join Bruce and Ken as they discuss what freedom from fear can do for your life when you put your faith in Christ.

Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • It's all Him!

    It's all Him!

    Ken and I talk about how we can focus all things on Him!

  • Where do you draw the line?

    Where do you draw the line?

    I bring a question to the table about where to draw the line between selflessness and selfishness. We know that God helps those who help themselves, but we also know it is important to be selfless as Christ so perfectly exampled.

  • Getting back on the horse.

    Getting back on the horse.

    The first episode of 2022 we talk about getting back up on the horse after getting knocked off by.... life.

  • Temporada 1

  • Still saved?

    Still saved?

    We talk about baptism.... did it work? Can it be done wrong?

  • Everybody Hurts

    Everybody Hurts

    Ken and I discuss well suffering and how it can bring peace.