Imagine a Life Where Disease is Optional

Evolve Wellness Experience por Dr. Bill Jensen

Notas del episodio

In futuristic movies you often see technology that can scan a human being and then detect illness or injury within them. If that seems unrealistic to you then you won't believe that we are closer to that reality then you would think. In this episode I interview Morri Chowaiki, the chief sales officer for an innovative company called Viome. Their at home test combines a microbiome analysis and also a cellular health lab result that gives you the most accurate snap shot of the overall health of your body. They take it one step further and can give you customized recommendations for foods and supplementation protocols to optimize your health based on your results. If you think that broccoli you are eating is healthy, you may be causing an inflammatory reaction in your gut that is leading to a disease process down the road. Enjoy!

Palabras clave
sleepdiethealthweight losslongevitysupplementsmicrobiomeviome