Episodios del podcast

  • Ep. 13: Barn Skills that are Life Skills

    Ep. 13: Barn Skills that are Life Skills

    It's no secret that we can learn and carry over many important traits and skills from the barn to real life. In this podcast we breakdown some of the more pertinent skills that serve both our equine & our human relationships.

  • Ep. 12: Tribe Vibe

    Ep. 12: Tribe Vibe

    We throw the word tribe around quite a bit. Let break it down & discuss what a tribe entrails & why having one is vital to your growth. How to intentionally build your support circle & how to be a valuable tribe member yourself.

  • Ep. 11: Burnout: Passion, Work Ethic, and Self Sabotage

    Ep. 11: Burnout: Passion, Work Ethic, and Self Sabotage

    Burnout is a reality of the equestrian industry, in many facets, but how do we navigate these waters carefully maintaining a strong work ethic and modicum of sanity? In episode 11 we discuss how to ensure that a season of burnout does not become a default lifestyle.

  • Ep. 10: Duration vs. Education

    Ep. 10: Duration vs. Education

    In today’s podcast we focus on aggressively pursuing growth, information, and contemporary development while preserving the fundamentals and integrity of our traditional sports.

  • Ep. 9: "It's not the critic who counts"

    Ep. 9: "It's not the critic who counts"

    Let's breakdown the critic or "hater" role and its perception in our industry. In podcast #9 we discuss being your own villain, adjusting your mindset, and creating a higher standard within the equestrian community.