Notas del episodio

Years ago while visiting my son in the hospital, I was in the visitor's lounge with others waiting for news about their love ones. I was sitting besides a lady whose mother was critical and my son was critical so we were exchanging stories. I told her I was going to pray that her mother would be healed. She responded that she couldn't believe that. I tried to encourage her in faith but she looked at me and said, "I can't, I am addicted to worry." She was serious, not a joke. I encouraged her and said that I would be praying for her mother. I was thinking that I could have faith for her mother. A couple days later we met again in the visitor's lounge and she said her mother had improved!

Since my son's near death experience in 2013, he has had seizures. Recently he was taken by ambulance to the hospital from our home. I had  ... 

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