Episode 13 - Eve Welton

Dog Gone Wrong por Sarah Roper - The Multidog Maven

Notas del episodio

Eve Welton, a dog trainer specializing in working with blind dogs, shares her journey and the mistakes she made along the way. Her biggest challenge was dealing with her reactive Jack Russell, Jimmy. Despite following force-free and positive training methods, Jimmy's reactivity worsened. It wasn't until she walked with Sarah that she saw progress. Eve also discusses the judgment and criticism she faced from other trainers and the need for more support and understanding within the dog training community. In this conversation, Sarah and Eve discuss the importance of kindness and open conversations in the dog training industry. They also touch on topics such as judgment from others, the need for boundaries and clarity in training, and the role of timing in dog training. They emphasize the importance of learning from mistakes and being humble in the  ... 

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Palabras clave
dog trainerreactive dogs authorpuppiesmultidog householdslearningmistakesqualificationsharshnessimposter syndromeclicker trainingjourneyDunning-Kruger effectADHDNeurodiversitycommunicationacceptanceexpectationsemotions