Good Vintage / Dobrej ročník

por Ruzena

(EN) The original Dobrej ročník podcast is currently being extended with an international special edition, no.1 and you can find it under its english name - Good Vintage, which will be covering topics related to digital technologies in the AEC industry, especially 3D and Informative Modelling(BIM) and the increasingly mentioned AI.

The special edition will include 5+1 interviews with professionals  ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 2

  • #03.SE Eliana Nigro

    #03.SE Eliana Nigro

    With Eliana we talk about how to become a computational designer after studying classical architecture. About the graphic program, which helped her the most to develop her skills. About showing and talking about your opinions and how hard it can be. About implementing computational design into every day work and into architectural offices. About what she loves about her job and keeps her motivated and about so many common things we found between us. Enjoyable listening!

  • #02.SE Jonathan Benhamu

    #02.SE Jonathan Benhamu

    With Jonathan we talk about the reason to study architecture in Europe instead of South America. About giving the people opportunities. About knowing that he will teach one day and when this day arrived. About starting the HYTEC - Hybrid techniques for Architecture Design at ETH in Zurich. About how technology can support architectural design. About 3D Jony and improving workflows of the companies and about much more.. Enjoyable listening!

  • #01.SE Stjepan Mikulić

    #01.SE Stjepan Mikulić

    We talk with Stjepan about his journey to architecture and what it means to him. About his encounter with 3D modelling and BIM. About the evolution and future of AI and informative modelling in architecture. About building an open-minded community and its importance. About working for BIG and how it fulfills him. About what his life path would have been like if he wasn't an architect and much more.. Enjoyable listening!

  • Temporada 1

  • #25 Eliška Slámová

    #25 Eliška Slámová

    S Eliškou o šití batohů, značce Braasi a prvních návrzích v Autocadu. O díře na trhu. O Liberci, Argentině, Soulu a Holešovicích. O pomalých běžcích, naceňování projektů, nadšení do práce a plánování přemístění rodiny a část značky na ostrov.

  • #24 Pavel Vinter

    #24 Pavel Vinter

    S Pavlem o žití ve Středočeském kraji. O tom, jak vás longboard může přivést k parťákovi. O studiu ZAN zabývajícím se vizualizacemi.. aneb připomínka Základů Architektonického Navrhování na FA ČVUT. O vizu konferencích, získávání a předávání zkušeností.