Notas del episodio

Welcome to Deconstructing Jesus: History With A Heretic, where we delve into the realms of historical inquiry and theological revelation. In this episode, "The Kingdom of God is Within You," we chart a course through diverse interpretations that have shaped this transformative concept over millennia.

We begin by exploring the historical roots within the Judeo-Christian tradition, followed by a dive into the theological underpinnings across different Christian denominations. From historical context to mystical traditions, cultural interpretations, and philosophical implications, our journey is rich and multifaceted.

We explore the mystical depths with insights from Christian history, describing the Kingdom as an internal experience marked by profound union with the divine presence. We also exa ... 

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Palabras clave
Historical JesusChristian HistoryParables of JesusKingdom of GodMystical ChristianityTheological InquiryJudeo-Christian TraditionMessianic ExpectationsSpiritual TransformationLiberation TheologyFeminist TheologyQueer TheologyInterfaith PerspectivesReligious PhilosophySocial JusticeEthical LivingEnvironmental StewardshipCommunity BuildingRadical InclusivityBradley the Heretic