
Dark Mode ⚫ Beyond the Burnout - A Discussion on Burnout with Heather Cox and Jane Clark

Dark Mode ⚫️ The Live Podcast por Heather Cox and Jane Clark

Notas del episodio

Tune in for an eye-opening episode of Dark Mode as Heather Cox and Jane Clark explore the pressing issue of burnout. This week, they’ll share effective strategies to prevent burnout, identify warning signs early, and discuss practical approaches to manage and recover from it.

Whether you’re feeling the effects of burnout or looking to help others, this episode provides crucial insights to safeguard your well-being and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Don’t miss out on this essential conversation!

Join us every Thursday at 11 am est on LinkedIn to join the Live Podcast and for your chance to be on!

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Palabras clave
business networkheather cox codesbrandswanburn outburnoutjane clarkbusiness podcast