
E63 - Our Passionate Discussion About Books We Read

Coffee, Chaos, & Chatter por Sabrina & Sarah

Notas del episodio

WARNING - SPOILERS We have discussions about happenings in the ACOTAR (Sarah J. Maas) and Crush Series (Tracy Wolfe). If you don’t want to ruin your own reading experience with these reveals, we recommend skipping this episode until you’ve read both.

So we have wanted to do this episode for a couple weeks and we finally were able to get it recorded! Guest speaker and book addict Laura joined us for this passionate episode of book talks. She asked some really good questions and got us talking about different characters and parts we loved about these series.

One of my favorite quotes: “They can go be depthless together!” <— you’ll have to listen to find out what this was in regards to!


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acotarreadingcrush seriesbook seriesbookssarah j maasrhysandinner circlehudsonjaxon