Marcos Amaral- Running Is A Lifestyle

Chase Stories Chats por Marcelino Perez

Notas del episodio

Marcos is an athlete who discovered running, specifically marathon running, later on in life and has become completely dedicated to the sport. Through running he has discovered not only the physical benefits but the mental ones as well and hopes to encourage his friends and community to pick up the sport as well. You don't need a whole bunch of equipment to start running. Just a pair of shoes and a desire to push yourself and your limits in order to become the best you can be. Keep an eye out for his name as he hopes to compete in several races this year!

Chase Stories Chats is a series of talks with people revolving around their life stories and journeys. We dive into their passions and how they got to where they are now in their lives. Everyone has an important story to share and there are valuabl ... 

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