Empowering Managers to Drive Organizational Growth: A Simplified Checklist Approach

Catching Fire: How Teams Win por Mohamed Hanbal

Notas del episodio
In this Episode, we will speak about the findings of a brilliant research project conducted by two researchers, Teresa Amabile and Steve Kramer, where they collaborated with different companies in different industries and recruited 238 people in 26 project teams in 7 companies in 3 industries. They told these 238 people that they would email everyone on the team a diary form DAILY that included several questions about the day. Most of these questions were about their perceptions, emotions, and motivations during the day. And that this process will last for around 4 months. After 4 months, Teresa and Steve could gather 12000 individual diary reports or feedback. We will discuss their findings, and we will also discuss how as leaders we can use these findings to create a checklist that helps us in driving organizational growth and increasing our ...   ...  Leer más