Notas del episodio
Claire is a 39 year old mom and host of Beyond the Scale: True Healing on YouTube.In this episode Claire shares how she found relief from decades of disordered eating and severe calorie restriction by following a high fat carnivore diet..You can connect with Claire on Instagram @lolly_carni, and she’s on YouTube with her famiy @beyondthescaleTH.This episode is also available on YouTube for viewing..You can find the meatastic t-shirts here https://younitees-2.creator-spring.comThere’s also a link in my Instagram bio! @meatmrsgrubsIf you have a carnivore story to tell I would love to have you on the show! Contact me on Instagram @meatmrsgrubs
Palabras clave
carnivoreeating disorderanorexiacarnivore success story