Notas del episodio

Learn the rules to the almost-perfect information worker placement game, Barrage, with this audio rulebook.

Designed by Tommaso Battista & Simone Luciani, and published by Cranio Creations.


Aim of the game - 3:12

Important concepts - 5:58

General setup - 15:42

Introductory & advanced player setup - 18:54

Income and headstreams - 22:48

Actions - 24:54

Construction action and type of structures - 26:26

Management actions - 33:18

Water flow - 45:12

Scoring - 46:12

End of round - 48:55

End of the game - 50:10


Voice, editing and music production: Mathieu Labrosse

Photography: Fannie de Lorenzi-Valente

Palabras clave
worker placementbarragecranio creations