Chapter 13 - Endless Winter: Paleoamericans

Book of Rulebooks por Mathieu Labrosse

Notas del episodio

After a long wait, Endless Winter: Paleoamericans is finally here, and it is glorious! Take control of a tribe, guide them, and make them thrive as much as possible to win the game.

Designed by Stan Kordonskiy and published by Fantasia Games.


Overview - 00:22

Setup - 00:56

Playing the game - 9:34

Action phase - 12:54

Eclipse phase & preparation phase - 20:28

Action columns - 25:30

Card abilities - 33:36

Megaliths - 36:10

Idol board - 38:34

Final scoring - 40:26

Variant setup - 44:44

Modules - 46:14

Chapter credits

Voice, editing and music production: Mathieu Labrosse

Photography: Fannie de Lorenzi-Valente