We Need Ears To Hear, Eyes to See, Hearts Awakened!

A Word in Season with Doug Stringer por Charisma Podcast Network

Notas del episodio

Summary: A troubling recent survey says that a portion of born-again Christians who still believe Jesus was sinless during His time on earth has declined significantly. Jesus said that He did not come to destroy the Law, but to be the fulfillment of it. The Bible from Genesis to Revelation is about Jesus. There are numerous Old and New Testament scriptures that point to Jesus sinless service.

Leonard Ravenhill in his book Why Revival Tarries said: "This generation of preachers is responsible for this generation of sinners. There is hope, but the question still remains: Do we have ears to hear, eyes to see, and hearts open and awakened? We have a grand opportunity to rise up as voices for a time such as this, to speak the truth in love, seasoned with grace, even to those who may oppose us, but we must speak the truth nonetheless because i ... 

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