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  • Why There’s No Formula for DEI Wo...

Why There’s No Formula for DEI Work, Part 1, feat. Dr. Eric Ishiwata

Applied por CSU Office of Engagement and Extension

Notas del episodio

In this episode, we speak with Dr. Eric Ishiwata about his approach to better understanding and implementing DEI (diversity, equity, and inclusion) in both workplaces and communities. Ishiwata is an Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies at CSU and Director of DEI for the Office of Engagement and Extension at CSU.

Tune in for Part 2 (coming Feb. 21), when we speak with both Dr. Ishiwata and Dr. Ray Black, Associate Professor of Ethnic Studies and African American studies at CSU. Dr. Black’s work focuses on how students of color succeed.

Palabras clave
DEIdiversityinclusionequitycommunity engagementemployee engagementorganizational development