Notas del episodio

Tom’s Flying School

Within six months, Tom had to hire a secretary. He did not have a natural head for figures or schedules, but had found an activity he loved so much that his natural charisma – already strong – flowed even faster and deeper.

He loved to fly. He had graduated from gliders quite quickly. He received his pilot’s license within two months of returning from Germany; three months after that, he was a certified instructor.

He was self-financed. In January of 1934, he bought a new Beechcraft Staggerwing biplane. He advertised around town on lampposts, and flew a sign behind his aeroplane over horse-races, upper-class picnics and garden parties, hoping to snag young men with bravado and trust funds. The sign read:

“First Flight Free! Fly the wild skies! Hendon 4576.”

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