Notas del episodio
In this episode, titled "No Money, No Problem," your host Jason DeBono engages in a riveting conversation with Steve Maldonado, Director of Syndication Solutions at NuView Trust Company.Steve has a wealth of experience in the alternative asset industry and has become an expert on retirement accounts. He's passionate about educating others on raising capital from retirement accounts and has worked with some of the top GPs and Syndicators in the industry.Throughout this episode, Jason and Steve delve deep into the world of syndications and investing through your IRA, regardless of the amount of money you have. They explore the history of syndications, strategies for getting started, and the future of investing.If you're interested in learning about tax-advantaged investing through retirement accounts and how to maximize your capital-raising potential, ...   ...  Leer más
Palabras clave
syndicationcapital raisefund