Aiga: AI for the Human Side


Aiga is an AI based system that maps prayers, meditations, poems, insights and other inspirational texts to meaningful images and stitches them together in a simple video which you can watch whenever you need something in your life.

Episodios del podcast

  • Prayer for Strength

    Prayer for Strength

    Have you ever felt that you needed alittle bit of strength to just get through the day or the next moment. This prayer helps you find the strength you need at that moment in your life. Open yourself up to the help that you know is out there for you.

  • Prayer for Work

    Prayer for Work

    Sometimes going into work takes the strength of a super hero. This prayer gives a chance for God to come into our work life and work through us. Giving us the strength and perspective we need to get through the day, the project, the assignment or just to lunch.

  • Prayer of Gratitude

    Prayer of Gratitude

    One of the ways to achieve balance in our spiritual lives is to focus on the gratitudes that we all have every day. From the simple being grateful that the light stayed green just a little bit longer to the larger gratitudes we all have. By focusing on these, our place in and wonder of this universe can be wonderful. And we are grateful to you for watching. Please subscribe so you can be alerted for everyone one of these that we drop. Thank you.

  • Forgiveness Prayer

    Forgiveness Prayer

    Just being human in this world means we harm others and we get harmed. Not intentionally, most times, but regardless, the power of forgiveness helps us unlock ourselves from the bondage of resentments and regrets. This is a Buddhist Prayer of Forgiveness which has given peace to many.

  • Serenity Prayer

    Serenity Prayer

    The Serenity Prayer, by Renihold Niebuhr, is a source for strength for many people across the world. Have you ever wondered how a computer would interpret the words and what imagery is evoked by them? Wonder no longer.