After You 在你之后

por Xiaoyao Yao

Welcome to my podcast "After You". In each episode, we invite friends from all walks of life to share their growth and work experiences, including the highs and lows. We also delve into and explore their experiences and ideas in areas such as art, culture, cooking, entrepreneurship, and more. Meanwhile, this podcast is also a way for me to pause and reflect with my guests, and create memorable moments.

We hope that the ... 

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Episodios del podcast

  • EP5. 弹唱live特辑:给耳朵放个假(feat. antina hu)

    EP5. 弹唱live特辑:给耳朵放个假(feat. antina hu)

    录制到剪辑可能是最快乐的一期,和自由歌手antina hu的一场live。以下是这期的歌单,enjoy!嘉宾:Antina Hu 抖音/小红书:Antina爱踢哪 ins: antina.who1. 1:59 Toxic - Britney Spears2. 6:12 La La Lost You - NIKI3. 10:00 Redbone - Childish Gambino4. 13:35 山海 - 草东没有派对5. 17:15 I am me once more - Zee Avi6. 20:03 Just you and me - Zee Avi7. 22:08 Drive - 窦靖童8. 24:47 Just Friends - Musiq Soulchild9. 29:00 别找我麻烦 - 蔡健雅10. 34:25 爱你 - 王心凌 (死亡)*花絮

  • EP4. 酒后乱语:泛亚洲主义和东方性

    EP4. 酒后乱语:泛亚洲主义和东方性

    今天请来的是一位圣安德鲁斯大学马上要进行dissertation的phd candidate谢振天。这次深夜做客家中谈论了以下的话题。彼此处于意识不明状态,话题比较跳跃。2:45 受什么驱动研究泛亚洲性5:15 什么是泛亚洲主义10:24 中国人应该做什么,我们是谁,中国可以代表亚洲吗14:20 guest身份和研究内容的关联16:00 为什么好奇心的驱动力来源于历史17:56 cuisine食物反应的亚洲性和西方性24:47 我们可以从哪里开始入手亚洲性27:27 fine dining的意义31:00 艺术的妥协34:00 虚拟历史 what if35:50 chef需要去致敬历史吗37:30 可以吃狗肉吗39:00 如何(非)定义东方性和西方性

  • EP3. “听说你想去art school"

    EP3. “听说你想去art school"


  • EP2 拂鸣Fumée 90后创始人/女主厨:回归轻松的高级烹饪

    EP2 拂鸣Fumée 90后创始人/女主厨:回归轻松的高级烹饪

    欢迎来到‘在你之后'。这期节目,我们请来了深圳排名第一创意菜的创始人/女主厨吉央。Fumée是吉央开的第二家餐厅,在短短一年就在深圳拥有非常高的评价和口碑。和吉央相识6年了一步步见证她的职业的快步流星,从美食顾问到自己第一家小酒馆再到现在的Fine dining餐厅。吉央从小在重庆长大,也在山里住了很久,也没有厨师家庭背景,也从未经历专业训练。在蓝带进修了1年之后工作了一段时间就回国做美食顾问和pop-up活动,四年之后就开了自己第一家bistro餐厅LOAF游荡花园。2年之后,Fumée就诞生了。这次的谈话是把我对她为什么要做厨师,个人成长和对美食的态度和美食精神内核梳理成了这期访谈,希望大家有所收获。:)0:00 本期嘉宾:吉央2:00 车上花絮3:34 为什么走上烹饪这条路5:17 热情来源6:17 对食物的痴迷延续在生活中7:12 在蓝带的经历和感受13:52 回国发展16:42 创立Fumée的契机和原因22:48 Fumée的现状和最初想法是否一致24:35 如何平衡消费者需求和自身的美食追求25:40 Fumée是什么33:20 灵感来源36:36 Fumée给客人带来什么39:58 菜单的更换42:51 出去吃什么43:26 常用的食材44:52 在家做什么菜46:46 喜欢的餐厅47:27 福和慧以及高端餐厅吃的饱吗52:40 国内外fine dining口味倾向差异56:52 如何面对质疑声1:00:45 问题向谁请教,以及如何改进1:04:17 特别喜欢的明星厨师和餐厅1:08:27 奇葩的客人!1:16:00 开餐厅赚钱吗1:17:07 吉央为什么要录这期播客1:19:38 花絮花絮吉央的小红书:261259355提及的厨师,书籍和节目:Anthony Bourdain, Dominique Crenn, Dave Chang, Gordon Ramsay厨房机密, Ugly Delicious, Chef's Table

  • EP1. The Road to Redemption: How Artist Kristoffer McAfee Went from Poverty and Drug Dealing to an MFA from Yale

    EP1. The Road to Redemption: How Artist Kristoffer McAfee Went from Poverty and Drug Dealing to an MFA from Yale

    Our guest this episode is Kristoffer McAfee, an American artist who graduated from the School of Art Institute of Chicago and Yale University. His work showcases bold color combinations, intricate details, and iconic symbols, demonstrating technical rigor while provoking reflection on the place of consumerism in our lives. Kristoffer's meticulous drawings and large-scale three-dimensional objects focus on conveying his artistic viewpoint in response to political and social issues. His inspiration comes from his life experiences, including growing up in Chicago's south side facing inequality and racial segregation, years spent traveling in Paris, and influences from other artists such as Andy Warhol and Jeff Koons. Though initially skeptical of higher education and traditional art schools, Kristoffer eventually found attending SAIC to be a beneficial choice.In this podcast, we'll discuss Kris's life journey and milestones, creative philosophy, the pros and cons of art school, the responsibility of artists, the importance of handcrafted work, and more. Don't miss out on this episode! ***The cover artwork is one of Kris's Platonic Solids series, mentioned in the podcast.Artist ig@kristoffers_artArtist Website