The Et Omnia Trilogy: Adahy Explícito

por Justin Eggen

Join author Justin Eggen as he reads "The Et Omnia Trilogy: Adahy". Each episode will contain a chapter from the book. This is effectively an audio book. In the summer of 1773, Adahy embarked in search of his father's blood brother Major Thomas Young of Boston, per his mother's dying wish. Equipped with a beautiful black mare named Raven and an arsenal of weapons with the skill set to wield them, he quickly finds the atmosphe ...   ...  Leer más

Episodios del podcast

  • Welcome! Intro and Synopsis


    Welcome! Intro and Synopsis


    Intro & Synopsis Welcome!! My name is Justin Eggen; join me as I read my very own historical fiction fantasy epic, "The Et Omnia Trilogy: Adahy."

  • Copyright, Disclaimers, and Dedication


    Copyright, Disclaimers, and Dedication


    Copyright, Disclaimers, and Dedication

  • Temporada 1

  • Prologue / Part 1

    Prologue / Part 1

    Prologue: In the beginning, there was an eruption at the heart of the vast void, creating two entities; before this, there was nothing. These two fundamental entities amalgamated for eternity, becoming the foundation for creation. Their names, as recorded by the first humans, Allacritus Lux and Nox Tinibrus, together formed ‘Et Omnia’ or everything and all. Part 1: In 1773, King George III and Parliament sought reparations to absolve their debt from recent wars through multiple attempts of direct taxation within the thirteen colonies. Sentiments among the nearly two million occupants affected are that reorganization of government would give the tyrant King unlimited power from across the sea and throughout all British ruled land. In the 200 years since the colony’s creation, not once has such bold actions befell them; the catalyst sparked.

  • Ch.1 The King's Highway


    Ch.1 The King's Highway


    Ch. 1 The King's Highway July 1773: Join Adahy as he travels toward Boston along the King's Highway, encountering new friends with redcoat problems.

  • Ch.2 Solitude and Violence

    Ch.2 Solitude and Violence

    Ch. 2 Solitude and Violence September 1773: Now just days outside of Boston, Adahy tries to avoid reflecting on the massacre outside the Santee River Tavern.