
di Aidan Hersh & Xander Kipp

A podcast to inform and enable a sustainable lifestyle through data and dialogue.

Episodi del podcast

  • 15 - What is Greenwashing?

    15 - What is Greenwashing?

    In this episode, we dissect the term "greenwashing" and explore some real world examples. What is it? Who are the common purveyors of greenwashing? Listen to find out!

  • 14 - Meeting Our Energy Needs: A Conversation with Hans von Clemm

    14 - Meeting Our Energy Needs: A Conversation with Hans von Clemm

    In this week's episode, we are joined by Hans von Clemm, a mechanical engineer at the San Francisco based company Otherlab. We discuss his work at Otherlab, sustainable transportation, energy storage, and other sustainable topics. Email us at and check out our Instagram @neuplanet

  • 13 - Stormwater Biofilters and Resiliency Under Climate Change with Renan Valença

    13 - Stormwater Biofilters and Resiliency Under Climate Change with Renan Valença

    Renan Valença is a PhD student in Environmental Engineering with a focus on stormwater biofilters and their resiliency under the powerful effects of climate change. In this episode, we talk with him about his work and its importance in an increasingly urbanized world.

  • 12 - Christmas Special 2019

    12 - Christmas Special 2019

    Happy Holidays from NeuPlanet! What are some things we can do to have a more sustainable holiday season? Listen in while Xander explores some questions he has been thinking about while preparing for the holidays this year!

  • 11 - Public Transit and the American Transportation System

    11 - Public Transit and the American Transportation System

    Public transit in America lags far behind comparable infrastructure in other industrialized nations, namely those in Europe. Why is this? And what steps should be taken to create a more sustainable and efficient transportation system?