Episodios del podcast

  • Temporada 1

  • Torba & The Drop Ship Boomber


    Torba & The Drop Ship Boomber


    In this episode we one up Ted, expose the fed, and goddamn shit the bed. I honestly can't remember what we said. Are we alive or are we dead? Sunkist and Sudafed, gyroscopes and infrared. Fuck. Still can't remember what we said.

  • We're Only In It For the Money and the Crux of Aunt Sukhi's Biscuit


    We're Only In It For the Money and the Crux of Aunt Sukhi's Biscuit


    Today, we get to the crux of Aunt Sukhi's biscuit while Zappa does what Zappa is. Music, is the best.

  • Blue Episode in A Quiet World


    Blue Episode in A Quiet World


    Here we are again, exploring the secrets of the universe for the duration of 1 (one) album. In this ep, we talk a bit about UFC 260-uh, I mean Godzilla v Kong, and ending systemic hate against our #AAPI brothers and sisters.

  • Joe Rogan's Hungry Eyes & Blue Slide Park (Mac Miller)


    Joe Rogan's Hungry Eyes & Blue Slide Park (Mac Miller)


    We explore the depth of Joe Rogan's Bicuriosity, and the shallowness of Bert Kreisher's comedy while listening to Blue Slide Park by Mac Miller.

  • Cilvia Demo In Dey Woods


    Cilvia Demo In Dey Woods


    We go to the woods, and listen to Cilvia Demo by Isaiah Rashad. Rabbit berries and Rogan's bears.