Reading The Word Of God

by Adrian Brown

Reading the Word Of God as it is written, so Yahweh can speak through His Written Word. The Word of God gives life and light to humanity who are walking in darkness, living in despair and hopelessness. The Word of God is quick and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword. It can penetrate the heart and mind to the very core of your being. The word of God can create, it can heal, deliver, and set the captive free. The Word of ...   ...  Read more

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • Everything Was Created By Him

    Everything Was Created By Him

    In that first episode we read one verse, the first verse in the Bible, Geneses 1 verse 1: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. If we can agree on that verse without question, everything else we be easy to understand. Bereshit Bara Elohim = In the beginning God created. The Hebrew word for beginning is Bereshit, and the word Bara means to create something out of nothing. Before the beginning, there was nothing, no matter, no space, no energy, on time. All of these come together at the same time to form the universe. If we have a problem accepting that verse completely, then we will have bigger problems. One other approach I should mention in the introduction, it that we will use scripture to interpret scripture. In other words, we will not be reading the Bible in a book by book format. We will be going through the entire Bible, but as we navigate our way through, we will read from different books to get a better understanding of the truth plain or hidden.

  • Season 1

  • Word Of God

    Word Of God

    The Bible known also as the Scripture is accepted by Christians and in part by Jews as the inherent, infallible, and inspired Word of God. Therefore, the path I will trod through this podcast is the Judeo-Christian worldview