
Riding Solo

What's Really Up...No Seriously by Daria DeMasi

Episode notes



In this week's episode Daria went solo. She talks about some bday weekend recap along with her new fascination with books and tv shows. She also talk about the truth behind what it’s like to live as an adult who just graduated college. She talks about future education, jobs, finances, moving, etc. We all know how stressful this shit can be. Come rant with daria so she knows shes not the only one!

We are so excited for this journey and hope that you all get something out of this podcast good or bad, happy or sad. We are here to talk about what really goes on and all the bull shit life throws at us. From topics like dating life to living at home to goals and aspirations to fiances to mental health, we are here to talk about it all. Grab a drink or a snack or whatever and tune in on Thursdays for our Thi ... 

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