Know Thyself Part 39 * The Eyes Of Your Understanding Being Enlightened. * Ken Fletcher Ministries

The Road Of Faith Seminar * Ken Fletcher Ministries by Ken Fletcher Ministries

Episode notes

"This is the last seminar for 2023 in the Know Thyself Series. We will be beginning Know Thyself 2024 on March 2 of the New Year. So, I hope you will mark it down and join me then. A fresh year and fresh revelation. In John 17, what are the tremendoes truths of what Jesus' hearts desire for us to be one? Which is also the Father's hearts desire. This is what they wanted to happen. This is what the plan was all about. Bringing us into the family as one! We have so much. To try and understand all of it in this life is really not possible. But, it is still true nevertheless. Right now! In all of us who have Jesus! We need an inward awakening to these truths--a revelation of understanding. Though it is not possible to grasp it all in this life, we can grasp much more than we have. Father is not holding back from us. So, our capacity to believe is the ... 

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