Know Thyself Part 35 * Your Agenda Or Jesus' Agenda?. The Great Swap * Ken Fletcher Ministries.

The Road Of Faith Seminar * Ken Fletcher Ministries by Ken Fletcher Ministries

Episode notes

"The impact of yielding yourself and your total life to Jesus. It's huge! That internal decision you make in your will inside of your soul changes everything! Everything will be different for you going forward. Because when Jesus has total control of your life's direction, many good things will be coming. Miracles will be coming. Your heart will be satisfied. He'll see to it! Because that is what He wants for you. He built it in to you. And so, He knows what it will take to really satisfy the longing of your soul. Problem is, people don't believe that about Him. So, they hang on to their own agendas--not releasing their will to His will. The 3 things in a box of 1 are heart conditions before the Lord. They are qualities. They are decisions. They are expressions of love. You see, love gives. God is the Greatest giver of all time. He gave us Jesus. ... 

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