DC 70s Funk

Stank! with DJ Tequesta by DJ Tequesta

Episode notes

The DMV is our first stop as we explore the local history of DC. We learn about the indigenous history of the Nactochtank people, the history of Barry Farms, activist Etta Mae Horn, singer Tony Washington and break down the best music of DC 70s funk.

YouTube playlist: https://youtu.be/ncdjdKjYCQA

Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/50Wm7m8FozWg8EPriv8qKj?si=ffOEvezDSBCsDq0OchFaTA&utm_source=native-share-menu

etta mae horntony washingtonanacostia1970s funkfunkdc history70s funkstank70s70s music