Spanish en contexto

by Tyler Nakarin Tolman

My name is Tyler Tolman. I'm a high school Spanish teacher and currently a graduate student in Pamplona, Spain. I created "Spanish en contexto" to facilitate your learning of the Spanish language through compelling, interesting content. Learn Spanish more naturally and immerse yourself in history, contemporary topics, and content you'd be interested in independently of language.

Podcast episodes

  • Season 2

  • ¿Estudiar el italiano como hispanohablante?

    ¿Estudiar el italiano como hispanohablante?

    I give a brief recollection of my Italian language learning progress. I have been studying Italian casually for about 5 months. I share some thoughts on what drew me to the language, past methods, and overall reflections on learning Italian as a Spanish-speaker. For a full transcript of this episode, please visit

  • Season 1

  • Episodio 7: ¿Ser nativo o no ser nativo?

    Episodio 7: ¿Ser nativo o no ser nativo?

    For a full transcript of this episode, please visit If you're trying to learn a language, like Spanish, how important is it that your teacher be a native speaker? What are the advantages and disadvantages of speaking the target language as your mother tongue? In this episode, I consider the advantages and disadvantages of both native and non-native speakers in the Spanish language. Furthermore, I share the results of an extremely casual survey within my university program as well as my own experience teaching Spanish as a native English speaker. If you have any questions, comments, etc., please do not hesitate to reach out! Send me a message at Thank you so much for listening!

  • Episodio 6: ¿Es el catalán un dialecto o una lengua propia?

    Episodio 6: ¿Es el catalán un dialecto o una lengua propia?

    In this episode, I discuss the differences between a language and a dialect, the implications of labeling a language as a dialect, and outline the political and cultural reasons for recognizing Catalan as a language in its own right. For a full transcript, please visit Please also consider subscribing to my YouTube channel:

  • Episodio 5: ¿Existe el español neutro?

    Episodio 5: ¿Existe el español neutro?

    Does neutral Spanish exist? What constitutes "neutral" Spanish and how has this been attempted/achieved? In this episode, we'll discuss Walt Disney's efforts to find neutral Spanish, cover the "best Spanish" accents, and question the value of achieving a truly neutral Spanish. A transcript of this episode is available on If you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to reach out. Send me a message at Thank you so much for listening!

  • Episodio 4: El fuerte de San Cristóbal, la gran fuga de 1938, y la cacería humana

    Episodio 4: El fuerte de San Cristóbal, la gran fuga de 1938, y la cacería humana

    In this episode, I begin with a rant on low-level Spanish corruption as a foreigner hoping to get an appointment with the Office of Foreign Affairs. Afterwards, I recount a hike on Mount Ezkaba to visit Fort San Cristóbal and the realization that this fort was in fact a political prison and the epicenter of the Great Escape in 1938. I detail the developing and outcome of the Great Escape and reflect on how Spaniards reflect on such a dark moment in their history.