Podcast episodes
10. The Chance Of Your Lifetime
★ There is a field of intangible information that determines the tangibles of your life… ★ This field of unlimited possibilities is als the reason why you should care what your neighbor thinks. ★ We experience, globally, a predictable crisis that caught the world by surprise… ★ In this podcast you and I, we will open a door so you can use the global situation as the chance of your lifetime. ★ If you know what happens to the morphogenetic field that we all "think into”, then you know why you should care what your neighbor thinks—or all the other 8 billion people you share that field with. If you don't know what this term is all about then let me clarify only this much at the moment: There is a field of intangible information—think of it like a hard drive on which information is stored—and this field is connected to our thoughts and emotions. In general: The term morphogenetic field comes from "morphe" the ancient Greek word for "form" or "shape", which also refers to the phenotype - i.e. the appearance of an organism type shaped by hereditary factors and environmental influences (please do not confuse this with genotype, which is about the genetic basis). On the other hand, "genesis"—no not Phil Collins and band-colleagues—but "giving life" (from the ancient Greek 'creation, emergence, birth') is in it. So, together, both terms mean the following: a field, which gives life (genesis) to the 'form' (morphe). For now just make up your mind about the following: You can learn to harness this field by the simple act of bringing your attention or focus to a subject, idea or vision. The more attention this energy potential gets, the more likely something will come to life "into" the three-dimensional world. But the more your neighbor also feeds this field with fear or worry, the more likely we all are to share the effects. Effects in all of our reality "outside" which is being shaped by events and situations which correspond to this fear. So what if we as business owners would NOW pack the bull by its horns. ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●
9. Signs Of Longevity
★ This will most likely be the most worthwhile idea you will ever receive in your life. ★ Just Imagine you could change the way you think about death… ★ Let’s expand your horizon and your life expectancy dramatically—with ZERO effort but with a lot of joy. ★ What will your life be like when you can finally stop looking at “the clock” assuming how many years you have left? When you could choose: What are the things and undertakings you would bring into your life as soon as you believe to have 20 or more more years on top? I don’t want to speak about breaking the death habit. It IS a great inspiration to see death as an habit, because, even when it’s one of the hardest things to do, for us, to change a habit—we are all herd animals and we need our peer-groups to feel safe and the group loves things the way they have always been—habits definitely CAN BE changed! But I don’t want to disrupt your program right now, trying to get to answer the “how should this work” question too hastily. In this episode I prefer to get into a gold digger mode and just see what nuggets can be found out there…. are there any real signs and perhaps proofs that humans can live much longer as we currently believe? ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●
8. Let Joy Work For You: From Your Essence!
★ Who must YOU be to be Free? ★ Why do so many people don’t use their time in a better way and what does your Time, your Identity and your Essense have to do with a purposeful and joyful business? ★ Your Healthy Business Does NOT Need You! If you have a business that requires your time and your presence, then you don’t have a business, you just have a job. If your business needs you all the time, it’s not you who owns the business, the business owns you! Redesign it. Re-invent it. Decide for automation. Focus on ideas and solutions to create a system with multiple sources of income. If your wish is getting more ideas about having your own exponential organization based and crafted on top of YOUR TRUE MEANING — that is the true nature of yourself, when you want to establish your own exponential economy, freedom, joy and longevity: let’s do that! ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●
7. The Eternal Mystery Of Breath
★ How can you connect to the source of all things? ★ Why breathe life into your vision? ★ And how kings and priests themselves were cured of disease… ★ Get Your Priorities Right, Finally! How many days do you think you can survive without eating? 5? 6? 20? How many days do you think you can survive without drinking? 2? 3? If you survive a week without water, that’s really long. And how long can you live without air? Several minutes? Yet how often do you pay attention to your breathing? And how often do you think: "Where or what am I going to eat today?" Get your priorities right: breathing is the most underestimated and the most efficient way of achieving INCREDIBLE results. The Source of Everything: I love helping people experience how you can connect to the source of all things through your breathing to create immediate physical experiences with it. ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●
6. Longevity: Probably The Most Brilliant Idea Of Your Life!
★ Let’s be honest: When you would really believe in everlasting life. You would probably feel like stupid, crazy or embarrassing or even intimidated. ★ The next thing is the fear of all the unknown when you really could live 150 or 500 years. ★ Then I hear a lot “Oh I’m far too old to start changing…” ★ In this episode you will learn that you can easily wipe away these excuses…. unless you want to hold on to ‘em with all your might to hop into the box on time just like everyone else. ★ You also learn also what purposeful abundant business, cashflow, more impact and thriving relationships have to do with longevity. ★ 80+ years, and the last ten years of suffering? This is really crazy! So if it is the case that you are feeling crazy about believing in the possibility of Longevity, please just learn how to think about the opposite! How crazy is it to give in to what is considered normal? Normal and natural are two different things. And this difference is one of the reasons why I want to teach you how to add numerous years to your lifespan. ● 3-time #1 Best Selling author Gisbert Reuter about the actual challenges and how you can create astonishing breakthrough solutions doing Quantum Leaps on demand ● As an Award-Winning Creative Director and Mentor & Advisor to 6-, 7- and 8-fig business owners Gisbert helped more than 10,000 people from all over the world to achieve better results faster and with less stress, less workload, less waste but with more confidence and joy ● That’s why Gisbert has a calling for you: Do The Leap and Let Joy Work For You ● Gisbert Reuter official web (https://www.gisbertreuter.com) ● Gisbert Reuter on LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/in/gisbertreuter/) ● Gisbert Reuter on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/gisbertreuter) ●