Cut To The Credits

by Cut To The Credits

Join hosts, Amy Batt and Holly Kerr, as they talk through different films that one or neither of them have seen before. Follow along as they relay their first reactions and opinions on some fan favourite movies, talking through everything that happens right until the credits!

Podcast episodes

  • Season 1

  • Ep6 A New Hope IV

    Ep6 A New Hope IV

    Hosts Amy and Holly start the second trilogy and discuss the earliest of the Star Wars movies, Episode IV, A New Hope.

  • Ep5 Rogue One

    Ep5 Rogue One

    Hosts Amy and Holly discuss Holly's favourite movie of the Star Wars series, Rogue One.

  • Ep4 Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Ep4 Solo: A Star Wars Story

    Carrying on chronologically, Amy and Holly watch and discuss Solo: A Star Wars Story. A film focusing on the origin story of one of the series' most iconic characters; Han Solo.

  • Ep3 Revenge of the Sith III

    Ep3 Revenge of the Sith III

    Back with Episode III, Revenge of the Sith, join Amy and Holly as they discuss the third film in the Star Wars series.

  • Ep2 Attack Of The Clones II

    Ep2 Attack Of The Clones II

    Hosts Amy and Holly discuss their opinions and Amy's first reactions to the second instalment of the Star Wars storyline; Episode II, Attack of the Clones