
Episode 155: Scary Story Club (feat. Suzy Berhow)

Leighton Night with Brian Wecht di Leighton Gray

Note sull'episodio

For our final episode with guest co-host Suzy Berhow, Brian and Suzy talk about (re)parenting, Satanism, Super Nintendo World, Boston, witch stuff, and more! It's been a lot of fun having Suzy on the show for the past few weeks and this episode is a great send-off to a wonderful co-host. Thanks Suzy!!! Follow Suzy at @Mort3mer (Twitter) / @mortemer (Instagram), and follow us on Twitter at @leightonnight and on Instagram at @leighton_night. You can find Brian on Twitter/Instagram at @bwecht, and Leighton at @graylish (Twitter)/@buttchamps (Instagram).