Uncovering the Psychology Behind T2D Self-Management to Adapt Your Supporting Role in Type 2 Care

One-on-One Diabetes Care por One-on-One Diabetes Care Expert Committee

Notas del episodio

Despite your best recommendations at modifying lifestyle, medical management, and glucose monitoring, people with type 2 diabetes may continue to experience challenges in their self-management.

In this episode, Dr. Michael Vallis explores how personality traits and coping styles of patients may be used by diabetes care providers to adopt specific supporting roles as an additional approach to better support type 2 diabetes self-management behaviours.

Dr. Michael Vallis is a registered health psychologist and a health behavior change consultant and associate professor in family medicine at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Palabras clave
coping stylespersonality traitsself managementsupporting rolestype 2 diabetes